Need to track fiction submissions? Forget Spreadsheets. Use Ledgeromatic.

Just $5 a month.

Try Ledgeromatic free for 7 days!
Screenshot of the dashboard in Ledgeromatic

Learn the story of where you submit your stories

Use Ledgeromatic to track where you submit your work. It will keep you organized, reveal submission patterns and costs, and help you decide where to submit next.

Built for writers

Built for writers by a writer, Ledgeromatic stays focused on what matters to you.

Privacy first

You are not the product. No advertising, no invasive third-party tracking, no data shared with anyone else, ever.

Always available

Great on desktop and mobile, Ledgeromatic is ready for you wherever you are.

Clean design

The minimalist user experience and interface make things easy and stay out of the way by design.

Data portability

Your data belongs to you. Import your existing records. Export submission activity at any time.


Ledgeromatic works great with any genre and with just about anything you can create and submit.

Don't lose the plot. Start your free trial today.